Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Very Happy Turkey Day

Tis the season to be jolly!
and stuff ourselves til we're purple with cherpumple and turducken
Oh America...

Everybody loves Thanksgiving! And the fact that it only comes once a year makes people go a little coo-coo in the head.
A trip to the grocery store turns into a push-and-shove obstacle course of snarling people trying to get their hands on the best butterball turkey.
Don't underestimate the old ladies, they are small but mighty.

Thanksgiving makes you do things you wouldn't normally do.
Like waking up at the crack of dawn to start cooking dinner.
And making obscene amounts of food that you know no human being could ever finish, but we do it anyway.
And letting 25 family members come stay at your house and snore and use your bathroom.

Thanksgiving really is an American holiday, and although it seems a little silly when you think about it, it's still just an awesome feast of awesome food with awesome don't think about it too hard okay

And it's not like its only one day and then it's over, because you get to have leftovers for the next week!
Unless you're like my family and make a ginormous pot of seafood gumbo the day after Thanksgiving. Yeah.
More leftovers!

We had a pretty big turnout for Thanksgiving this year, and I really wanted to make a big dessert presentation. So I ended up making 5 different desserts!
I had a lot of fun preparing everything and baking into the wee hours of the night. I turned my house into a pie factory, and it was glorious.

 Mom's beautiful table about to be set. Simple and homey, just like us


 Pecan Pie
 A Southern classic. Much loved by Grandpa!

Chocolate Caramel Walnut Tart
Very rich and smooth

Gotta have that Pumpkin Pie!
 (Partially burnt crust due to a good amount spilling over into the oven on its way in. oops.)

A mountainous beast of an Apple Pie

Pear Cranberry and Gingersnap Crumble

 It was a great Thanksgiving and I am so thankful for my family and friends. I would not be who I am without them!

I hope everyone is as stuffed as a turkey! Make those leftovers last because we got a long year ahead of us. Happy Thanksgiving :)

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