Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sweet Sweet Freedom

Happy Independence Day!

The fourth of July is such a wonderful summer holiday. Outdoor cooking, friends and family, and beautiful explosions in the sky! woot!
What better way to celebrate 'Merica than with 40 pounds of shrimp boil and a table full of desserts! Mmmhhm.
Now thank your founding fathers for that piece of pie, you whippersnapper.

Oh and we got some beautiful weather in the middle of the day! Every year, without fail, it manages to rain on the fourth of July, even if for only a few minutes. It's like it's mother nature's way of throwing a little something back at us for all the fireworks we launch at her. Hmm..

While my dad had the massive shrimp boil covered, I was in charge of desserts (as usual).
This year I wanted a big variety in desserts and I knew I was feeding a lot of people so that's why I ended up making three different things. And plus I just wanted an excuse to bake like a fool.

The first lil lady in the trio of patriotic desserts was strawberry ice cream. I'm a novice to ice cream-making so this was a new experience for me. For how much I love ice cream, it really is a shame that I don't make it that often. That will change asap, people. So I dusted off the old ice cream maker and GOT DOWN TO BUSINESS.

This ice cream is super special because the strawberries get roasted for over an hour and soak up honey and balsamic vinegar in the oven, and an intense flavor-absorption takes place. It's magical.

I know you're probably thinking.."whoah wait a second...vinegar in my ice cream!? that is wiggity whack, bro." Believe me I thought the same thing at first, and I was really hesitant to pour the 2 tablespoons of balsamic onto the sweet strawberries..but oh boy am I glad I did. The harsh vinegar flavor really cooks down and the strawberries absorb it and it only intensifies the strawberry flavor. So all you taste is downright pure strawberry flavor...just intense and in your face delicious. So please please pour that vinegar on, my friend. It may sound wrong, but it is SO right.

Also: a special thanks to Dad for helping out with this one. You are the ice cream master!

Roasted Strawberry Ice Cream



2 pounds fresh strawberries, washed, padded dry and hulled
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons aged balsamic vinegar
1 cup whole milk
A pinch of salt
3/4 cup sugar
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
2 cups heavy cream
5 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 tablespoon liqueur (I used orange flavored, but any will do)


Preheat Oven to 300°F, place strawberries in a large glass or ceramic baking dish in a single layer.  Gently toss in honey and balsamic to coat.   Stir with a wooden spoon once or twice during roasting.  Roast until the strawberries turn into a deep red color and the syrup has thicken, about 90 minutes.  Let cool completely, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

In a medium sauce pan, heat the milk, salt, and sugar on low heat until simmer.  With a paring knife, scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the milk along with the bean pod. Cover, remove from heat, and let the mixture infuse for one hour.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Rewarm the milk mixture to a simmer.  While constantly whisking, gradually pour the milk mixture into the yolks. Scrape the warmed yolks mixture back into the saucepan.

Continue to cook the mixture over low heat and stirring constantly with a flat bottom wooden spatula.  Cook until the custard thickens and able to coat the spatula.

Place the cream in a large mixing bowl with a strainer on top.  Strain the custard into the heavy cream.  Stir in vanilla extract and raspberry liqueur, and refrigerate to chill thoroughly. Preferably overnight.

When ready to make the ice cream, remove the vanilla bean pod from the custard. Divide roasted strawberries in half, place one portion in the food processor and pulse until mushy and lumpy, just a couple pulses. Incorporate into the custard with a spatula. Then place the remaining portion in the food processor and pulse just enough to cut the berries, leaving larger chunks for the ice cream, even fewer pulses than before. Mix into the custard as well. Place mixture into ice cream maker.
Churn the custard in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Mmm..look at that chunky glob of strawberry goodness. Something amazing is about to happen here.

 YES. So creamy and delicious!

A sad sight.

The second guest at the party was of course the traditional apple pie.
And of course, who else would have the BEST apple pie recipe I've made but the one and only Joy the Baker.

What makes this pie the best is definitely the buttery, flakey, perfect crust. It's made with butter and buttermilk... and will give you a big butt if you eat too much. Hah just kidding. (but not really).

Apple pie may be traditional, but it will always warm your heart's little nooks and crannies with love. This pie will feed your soul. This pie will make you a better person. 

I'll admit that the recipe is a little finiky and involved, but it is so worth it in the end. You worked hard for that pie, so now you get to eat at least half of it. Back off old folks.

The recipe is beastly long so I will just post the link to Joy's page where she has step by step instructions for ya.

Apple Pie:

Joy's Apple Pie <Click!

And last but certainly not least, the beautiful, sultry, rich and dreamy chocolate ganache tart with fresh berries and sweet cream.

Yes you heard me right. Chocolate....Berries.... Sweet Cream.... With.
This is not your average fruit tart. This has a dark side.
Creamy, dreamy dark chocolate is nestled in a toasted tart and topped with fluffy whipped cream and berries. UGH am I dreaming? This is all I need out of life, somebody hand me a spoon.

This was definitely the big hit at the party, everyone loved it and it was gone in no time.
However the ganache was really liquidy even at room temperature so once the tart crust was cool and I spread the ganache in it, I then covered the tart in plastic wrap and refrigerated it for a few hours before topping with whipped cream and berries and serving. Even though it didn't say anything about it in the recipe, it really helped it firm up to make it easier to serve.

Make this tart if you want to impress people because when you say you're bringing a chocolate ganache tart to a party everyone will think your soo faancyy.
When really, this baby is a cinch to make! You'll fool all those fools!
Also its just super fun to say ganache.

Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart With Fresh Berries and Sweetened Cream

from: Joy the Baker cookbook



Tart Crust:
1½ cups all purpose flour
½ cup powdered sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Scant ⅛ teaspoon ground ginger
½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cold
1 large egg yolk, beaten

8 ounces dark chocolate, finely chopped
1¼ cups heavy cream
¼ cup (½ stick) unsalted butter, at room temp. cut in half

1 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
1 cup fresh raspberries
½  cup fresh blackberries, cut in half



To make the tart crust: in a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, and spices. Cut in butter with fingers until well incorporated. Some butter chunks will be the size of small pebbles, others will resemble oatmeal flakes. Once incorporated, add the egg yolk and bring mixture together with a fork. The mixture will be shaggy and crumbly. Dump the entire mixture into a tart pan with a removable bottom. Use your fingers to press the crust into the sides and on the bottom of the pan. Place tart crust in the freezer to chill for an hour. This is important; it will keep the tart crust from puffing up too much during baking.

While the tart shell chills, make the GANACHE; add chocolate pieces to a medium bowl. In a small saucepan over medium heat, bring the cream to a very low simmer. Pour half of the heated cream on top of the chocolate pieces and allow to rest for 1 minute. The chocolate will begin melting. With a whisk, begin to incorporate melted chocolate into the cream. Start by whisking the center, working your way out to carefully incorporate the cream and the melting chocolate. Slowly add the remaining cream and whisk carefully until smooth and glossy. Add the butter chunks and use spatula to stir until the butter is melted. The mixture should be dark and glossy. Set aside, at room temperature while the crust bakes.

Place a rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees F. Butter a piece of foil and place, butter side down, on top of the chilled tart shell. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove buttered foil and bake for another 15 minutes, or until the tart shell is golden brown. Allow to cool completely before filling with GANACHE. 

To make the topping: in a medium bowl, whisk together cream and sugar until soft peaks form. Spread the chocolate ganache inside of the cooled tart shell. Top with fresh berries. In the center, generously dollop whipped cream. Serve immediately.

Best served the day made, will last well wrapped and refrigerated up to 3 days. 


 Oh and I also threw together a batch of mini coconut custard tarts just for funsies.
Recipe from Project Foodie

The dessert table! Brought a lot of smiles and full bellies. My favorite!

 Overall it was a lovely evening with fireworks across the river, and spending time with wonderful people who appreciate good food. Oh and we did appreciate the food very much. As I sit here in my fat pants typing this, my tummy is so full I can barely move. At least my fingers are getting a work out.... 

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