Monday, August 13, 2012

Raw Cashew and Raspberry "Cheesecake"


Life is full of unexpected instances. Sometimes people do things that surprise you, that change first impressions. And sometimes you can find sweetness in something seemingly ordinary.

Little surprises are good, they keep us on our toes so life isn't dull. 
Unless your husband/boyfriend turns out to be a woman. Bad surprise.
Oh and I may just be watching too many daytime talk shows...

Today had its fill of little surprises and one was in the form of this raw nut cheesecake.
But it's not really a cheesecake. It just wants to be.
This little cake is supposed to be filled with fat-laden cheese and sugar...BUT its all an act!

It just SEEMS like cheesecake should always be fatty and unhealthy, but really it can be wholesome and healthy! whatwhat

Instead of a cheese filling, this cake has a filling of raw nuts, honey, and oil. And that's it! Simplicity is key to nutrition. The shorter the ingredients list, the healthier it is. 

This cake is surprisingly satisfying and sweet. The filling is silky and smooth. So cheesecake can indeed be a guilt-free, good for you treat! Yay!

Eat cheesecake. Feel good. Success.


 Pulverize the nuts and dates!
Bam! Instant healthy cheesecake crust.

Blend the nuts reaaaal well in the food processor for a smooth filling. 
The berries make such a beautiful natural color

 I liked to serve the cake straight from the freezer it gave it a nice texture and it was nice and chilly!

 A cheesecake with natural, raw ingredients! It seems impossible, but people, this is real life.

 I love the different layers of this cake. Simple, chic, delish.


Raw Cashew and Raspberry "Cheesecake"


1/2 cup raw almonds (pecan or walnuts will also work)
1/2 cup soft Medjool dates
¼ tsp. sea salt

1 ½ cups raw cashews, soaked for at least 5 hours, overnight is best
juice of 2 lemons
the seeds of 1 whole vanilla bean (or 1 tsp. alcohol-free vanilla extract)
1/3 cup raw coconut oil, melted
1/3 cup raw honey
1 cup raspberries (thaw completely if using frozen)


1. Place nuts and dates in a food processor with sea salt and pulse to chop until they are to your desired fineness (process a finer crust longer than a chunky one). Test the crust by spooning out a small amount of mixture and rolling it in your hands. If the ingredients hold together, your crust is perfect. Scoop out crust mixture in either a 7” spring-form pan or a 7" cake pan or even a pie plate, just make sure you line it with saran wrap. Press firmly, making sure that the edges are well packed and that the base is relatively even throughout. Rinse food processor well.

2. Warm coconut oil and honey in a small saucepan on low heat until liquid. Whisk to combine.

3. Place all filling ingredients (except raspberries) in a food processor and blend on high until very smooth, it may take a few minutes.

4. Pour about 2/3  of the mixture out onto the crust and smooth with a spatula. Add the raspberries to the remaining filling and blend on high until smooth. Pour onto the first layer of filling. Place in freezer until solid.

5. To serve, remove from freezer 30 minutes prior to eating. Run a smooth, sharp knife under hot water and cut into slices. Serve on its own, or with fresh fruit. Store leftovers in the freezer

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