Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fresh Herb and Lemon Bulgur Pilaf

 This week was stressful and made my head hurt.
Some things I learned:

1. Making decisions is hard. Especially big ones. About your future. And who you're gonna be. And what you're gonna do. And where you're gonna be. And who you're gonna be with. And what you're gonna wear! And eat! And where you'll get fresh produce from! And who your neighbors will be! And will they like you?! Oh my gosh. The future is scary. Period.

2. I don't get football. Never have, never will. It does not seem fun at all! The coaches are meanies, you get yelled at for everything, and giant, big-bellied men are deliberately trying to crush your body with their body! How do they enjoy doing this??

3. There are some really, really good people in the world

4. Taylor Swift makes everything okay

5. Dancing alone in your room will never ever be shameful and should be done often. Especially the Beyonce booty pop. Werk it.

6. I'm a terrible interviewee. Terrible. Especially over the phone. Oye, just extreme awkwardness.

7. Big sisters give the best advice

8. Granola can suffice as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack

9. Sometimes the best therapy is sitting and watching the sunset

10. You should make this Pilaf because not only is it healthy and filled with good spices and herbs, it is delicious and can be kept in a large Tupperware and kept for a quick healthy meal or snack whenever ya want! Convenience! 

Cook the onions until they're golden and soft and smell amazing

 It's liquidy at first but that's okay, the bulgur will soak it up

 All soaked in!

 Now to add all those herbs and lemon juice. Health. Yes!

Fresh Herb and Lemon Bulgur Pilaf


2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups chopped onion
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1½ cups bulgur, preferably medium or coarse
½ teaspoon ground turmeric

½ teaspoon ground cumin
2 cups vegetable broth
1½ cups chopped carrot
2 teaspoons grated or finely chopped fresh ginger
1 teaspoon coarse salt

¼ cup lightly packed, finely chopped fresh dill

¼ cup lightly packed, finely chopped fresh mint

¼ cup lightly packed, finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
3 tablespoons lemon juice, or more to taste
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted


1. Heat oil in a large high-sided skilled or broad shallow saucepan with a tight-fitting lid over medium heat until hot enough to sizzle a piece of onion. Add onion, reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring often, until golden brown, 12 to 18 minutes. Stir in garlic and cook, stirring for 1 minute. Add bulgur, turmeric and cumin and cook, stirring, until the bulgur is coated with oil, about 1 minute.

2. Add broth, carrot, ginger and salt and bring to a boil, stirring. Cover and cook over medium-low heat until all the broth is absorbed and there are "eyes" or indentations in the surface of the bulgur, about 15 minutes. (Do not stir the pilaf.) Remove from the heat and let stand, covered for 5 minutes.

3. Stir dill, mint, parsley, and lemon juice into the pilaf. Serve topped with walnuts.

Can also put in Tupperware and refrigerate. Add more lemon juice and/or salt to taste before serving